Photo: Dirk Letsch, Basel, September 2022
New CD released on March 2020 of this great troubadours’ music, with voice and medieval harp, together with Manuel Vilas (ETCETERA RECORDS).
You can listen to some excerpts of the disc in an interview at the Spanish national radio of both of us talking about the CD in this podcast of La Dársena, Radio Clásica, RNE, 2nd April 2020 (from the minute ‘58 on).
The CD has received nice critics in Spain (Melómano, Scherzo and DoceNotas) and UK (The Sunday Times) and was awarded with the Melómano de Oro.
The CD “Bernart de Ventadorn. Chantador de joi d’amor” is available in Spotify.
Festival de Música Antigua de Granada, May 2017
Photo: Dirk Letsch, Festival TEXTUR, Basel, September 2022
AS FESTAS DO ANNO, the first CD of Cantaderas ensemble has been released on Octobere 2020 at the French label Arion. A presentation concert was programmed in Paris, at the Spanish College in the Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris. Sadly, the present circumstances forced this concert to be postponed to March 2021, then repostponed sine die.
This CD has also received nice critics in Spain (Melómano, Scherzo and Doce Notas) and was also awarded with the Melómano de Oro.
The CD “As festas do anno” is now available also in Spotify.
A Cantaderas’ video from the confinement, May 2020… with excerpts of the coming CD… (We do always miss singing together, being and loughing together, separated as we are all four… but this four countries-separation (Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain) for the first time is being heavy for the 4 of us… Here it comes a video with some music of the CD and photos of our 5 beautiful years together).
Interview with live music of the Cantaderas ensemble at the radio broadcast La Riproposta, Radio Clásica-RNE, by Yolanda Criado (24th september 2017).
A video, with music recorded at a concert of Cantaderas at the santuary of Estíbaliz (XIth c.) on July 2021; photos from Elena Beltrán taken at a concert in Vitoria’s gothic cathedral (Catedral de Santa María), also in July 2021; and paintings from the Spanish artist Paco Montañés.
Extracts of the Cantaderas ensemble's concert at Naugarten (Uckermärkische Musikwochen 2016 festival, on the 4th September 2016), recorded by the German National Radio (Deutschlandradio Kultur):
Proyecto EVOCA (Exploración de la Vocalidad y la Oralidad del Canto Antiguo)
The EVOCA project, born in 2021, with Amparo Maiques, Ana Arnaz and Èlia Casanova…
In sole posuit tabernaculum suum et ipse tanquam sponsus procedens de thalamo suo.
Gradual. Feria quarta Adventus. Saint-Gall, Stiftsbibl. 359 ("Cantatorium"), IXth century.
(Espacio Ronda, Madrid, November 2013)
Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient,
Je ne vous puis trop amer, ne chierir,
N'assés loër, si com il apartient,
Servir, doubter, honnourer, n'obeïr;
Car le gracieus espoir,
Douce dame, que j'ay de vous vëoir,
Me fait cent fois plus de bien et de joie,
Qu'en cent mille ans desservir ne porroie.
Ballade. Guillaume de Machaut (XIVth century). Paris, BNF, nouv. acq. français 6771 ("Reina codex").
(Puy de sons d´autrefois ensemble. Live concert recording
Museo di Ca´Rezzonico, Venezia, February 2012)
Photo: Pierre Combet
Demo of the ensemble Oiet, registered on July 2014 at the roman Basilica Saint Mary Magdalene of Vézelay (Burgundy) by Elsa Desjardins, from the music label: CORDES ET AMES. Singers: Vincent Pislar, Raphaële Soumagnas, Mathias Spoerry and Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo. Ensemble Oiet.
Photo: Pierre Sternberger. Oiet ensemble, after the concert at Asnières-sur-Vègre. Festival de Sablé.
OIET ensemble in trio (Alicia Santos, Raphaële Soumagnes and Paloma Gutiérrez del Arroyo). Live recording of the concert at the Romanesque church of Asnières-sur-Vègre, Festival de Sablé (France), on May 2016. Recording made by the sound technician Camille Frachet, thanks to the generous support of the art French society: Spedidam.
Photo: Pascal Hoyer. Saint-Michel d'Aighille (Puy-en-Velay), October 2016
Live interview at the radio broadcast "La Dársena" of Radio clásica - RNE (the Spanish National Radio), led by Jesús Trujillo (26th March 2014).
"LA VOZ EN LA EDAD MEDIA", an eight chapters long radio broadcast conducted by Paloma on June 2016 at Radio Clásica (Spanish National Radio: RNE), about the voice in Medieval Music.
Temas de música: La voz en la Edad media - Ecco la Primavera - 04/06/16
Temas de música: La voz en la Edad media - Sol, luna y estrellas - 05/06/16
Temas de música: La voz en la Edad media - O Maria - 11/06/16
Temas de música: La voz en la Edad media - Na Maria - 12/06/16
Temas de música: La voz en la Edad media - Tormentos y venturas de amor - 18/06/16
Temas de música: La voz en la Edad media - Separación y muerte - 19/06/16
Temas de música: La voz en la Edad media - De loor - 25/06/16
Temas de música: La voz en la Edad media - De escarnio - 26/06/16
"MÚSICA MEDIEVAL EN LAS BIBLIOTECAS DE HOY" an eight chapters long radio broadcast at Radio Clásica (Spanish National Radio RNE) conducted by Paloma on May 2017, about the music of the medieval manuscripts conserved in some of the main libraries (Paris, London, Oxford, Cambridge, Munich, Madrid, Vatican, Florence, Modena).
Música medieval en las bibliotecas de hoy: Paris-Bibliothèque Nationale de France (1) – 06/05/17
Música medieval en las bibliotecas de hoy: Paris-Bibliothèque Nationale de France (2) – 07/05/17
Música medieval en las bibliotecas de hoy: Londres -British Library – 13/05/17
Música medieval en las bibliotecas de hoy: Bibliotecas de Oxford y Cambridge – 14/05/17
Música medieval en las bibliotecas de hoy: Madrid –Biblioteca Nacional de España – 20/05/17
Música medieval en las bibliotecas de hoy: Múnich –Bayerische Staatsbibliothek – 21/05/17
Música medieval en las bibliotecas de hoy: Roma –Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticaba – 27/05/17
Música medieval en las bibliotecas de hoy: Bibliotecas de Florencia y Módena – 28/05/17
Photo: Keren Molinier. Montbard (Bourgogne), March 2015