Next events:
14th September 2024, 18h30, Dorfkirche Kleinhüningen, Basel (Switzerland). OLVIDADAS concert with the Ensemble Cantaderas.
20th-25th September 2024, Ravensbrück, Recording the CD OLVIDADAS with the Ensemble Cantaderas (recorded by German National Radio Deutschland Funk Kultur, at the textile factory inside the concentration camp walls).
26th September 2024, 19h, Berlin. Concert OLVIDADAS organised by the Spanish Embassy in Berlin, at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche.
4th October 2024, Villajoyosa (Alicante) Factum est silentium, with Manuel Vilas and Efrén López at the 10th edition of the Festival de Música Antigua “La Vila del Joy”
Courses in the ESCUELA DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL Y DE TRADICIÓN ORAL for the 2024-2025 course are already published (October 2023-June 2024).
The programme of this 8th edition of courses can be downloaded by clicking here: Escuela’s programme 2024-25.
17th-19th October 2024. Artistic residency in Faura (Valencia) with Proyecto EVOCA and two collaborators: the dancer and musician Marc Vilajuana and the musician and artist Carolina Égüez. 19th October will take place the artistic mostra with the work of the residency.
25th and 26th October 2024, 6th edition of the cycle “LOS SONIDOS DE OTROS TIEMPOS, HOY”, this time consecrated to “«La música del Romancero. Desde sus orígenes hasta hoy»”. With specialists coming to talk about collection and reconstruction of romances, their evolution, their music, their compilation, their pedagogical potential… And specialists to sing them and to make us sing them. All the information in:
VIª edición del “CICLO LOS SONIDOS DE OTROS TIEMPOS, HOY”: La música del Romancero. Desde sus orígenes hasta hoy.
CICLO LOS SONIDOS DE OTROS TIEMPOS, HOY. Concierto de Ars Atlántica “ROMANCERO XVI” y presentación del libro “Historia del Romancero en tres actos”, de Jimena Menéndez Pidal, editado por Elvira Ontañón y Víctor Pliego (2024). (Concert tickets at ENTRADIUM)
28th November, "CXV. La cantiga más larga" in Taboada, Lugo, together with the harpist Manuel Vilas.
February 2025, 5 days course for teachers together with the calligrapher Esperanza Serrano, at the ISMIE. Instituto Superior Madrileño de Innovación Educativa: PALEOGRAFÍA MUSICAL Y CALIGRAFÍA DE LOS SIGLOS IX-XIII. (Abierto a profesorado de Enseñanzas artísticas de régimen especial, profesorado de conservatorios, profesorado de educación Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato de Enseñanzas artísticas, Educación Plástica y Música).
16th March 2025, 18h30, “SUTIL”, a programme of ARS SUBTILIOR music from Italy and France with FA SUPER LA project in trio with Enrique Pastor (dir.) and Óscar Gallego (XXXIV Festival de música antigua y sacra “Ciudad de Getafe”).
1st-4th May 2025, 4 days course at the CENTRAD (Centro de Artesanía e Deseño) in Lugo for the 3rd edition of the Medieval Music Course “Sons dos camiños”, imparting medieval singing. (Inscriptions and more info in:; 0034 982 21 0066).
18th-24th July 2025, at the course Early Music Morella, imparting: Canto de los Carmina Burana,
31st July-3rd August, “X TALLER DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL La primera monodia notada en la Edad Media (s. IX-X) - Santa María la Real”. More info in this pdf.
BERNART DE VENTADORN-CHANTADOR DE JOI D’AMOR. A CD released on March 2020 of this great troubadours’ music, with voice and medieval harp, together with Manuel Vilas (ETCETERA RECORDS).
You can listen to some fragments of the disc in an interview at the Spanish national radio of both of us talking about the CD in this podcast of La Dársena, Radio Clásica, RNE, 2nd April 2020.
As festas do anno, the first CD of the ensemble Cantaderas (Arion), with Medieval and Spanish oral tradition repertoires, has been released on October 2020. Already presented in Basel (Switzerland) on September 19th 2020, the presentation in France, at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, has been postponed to November 2022.
You can listen in this link to the interview with Yolanda Criado, in the radio broadcast LA RIPROPOSTA (Radio Clásica-Radio Nacional de España) of the 10th October 2020, presenting this new CD “As festas do anno”.
Photo: Juan Mantilla