In 2011 I started teaching Medieval repertoires and interpretation from the manuscript sources in Spain, France and Italy. This activity has revealed to me the joy of sharing the music that fascinates me with both children and adults, musicians and amateurs, and allows me at each course to study in depth this repertoires' transmission.
Inscription for the courses at the ESCUELA DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL Y DE TRADICIÓN ORAL (at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, Madrid) for the 2024-2025 course is already available. The list of this 9th edition of courses at the ESCUELA can be consulted here.
25th and 26th October 2024, 6th edition of the cycle “LOS SONIDOS DE OTROS TIEMPOS, HOY”, this time consecrated to “«La música del Romancero. Desde sus orígenes hasta hoy»”. With specialists coming to talk about collection and reconstruction of romances, their evolution, their music, their compilation, their pedagogical potential… And specialists to sing them and to make us sing them. All the information in:
VIª edición del “CICLO LOS SONIDOS DE OTROS TIEMPOS, HOY”: La música del Romancero. Desde sus orígenes hasta hoy.
February 2025, 5 days course for teachers together with the calligrapher Esperanza Serrano, at the ISMIE. Instituto Superior Madrileño de Innovación Educativa: PALEOGRAFÍA MUSICAL Y CALIGRAFÍA DE LOS SIGLOS IX-XIII. (Abierto a profesorado de Enseñanzas artísticas de régimen especial, profesorado de conservatorios, profesorado de educación Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato de Enseñanzas artísticas, Educación Plástica y Música).
1st-4th May 2025, 4 days course at the CENTRAD (Centro de Artesanía e Deseño) in Lugo for the 3rd edition of the Medieval Music Course “Sons dos camiños”, imparting medieval singing.
18th-24th July 2025, at the course Early Music Morella, imparting: Canto de los Carmina Burana,
31st July-3rd August, “X TALLER DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL La primera monodia notada en la Edad Media (s. IX-X) - Santa María la Real”. More info in this pdf.
3rd edition of the cycle “LOS SONIDOS DE OTROS TIEMPOS, HOY”, this time consecrated to “The voice of the medieval cantor… cantatio & incantatio”. Due to the pandemic, it could not be celebrated as programmed, with a concert interpreted by the singers Anne Marie Lablaude, Anne Delafosse and Dominique Vellard (from the prestigious ensemble Gilles Binchois) and we decided to create a digital edition at the Escuela, with students, which was retransmitted on the 30th November 2020:
Past courses and pedagogical activity
22nd-25th July 2024, Early Music Morella, imparting Gregorian chant.
18th-21st July 2024, IXth edition of the courses “Los sonidos del Románico”, this time with the title: Los cantos de Hildegard von Bingen (II), at the Fundación Santa María La Real, Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia). More info in this pdf.
14th July 2024, a conference with the title “El libro del Apocalipsis puesto en música y en imágenes en la Edad Media“, at the XIth edition of the international course and festival EXCORDE, Molina de Aragón, Guadalajara.
23rd May 2024. Journée d’études REPENSER LE CHANT DES CANTIGAS DE SANTA MARIA : SOURCES MUSICALES, NOTATIONS ET CHOIX D’INTERPRÉTATION. Organized by Florence Mouchet and Dominique Vellard at the University Jean Jaurés (Toulouse).
25-28th April 2024, 2nd edition of a medieval music course in Lugo: “Sons dos camiños”, imparting medieval singing, together with Manuel Vilas (medieval harp), Begoña Olavide (medieval psalteries), Francisco Luengo (medieval violes) and Bor Zuljan (medieval plucked instruments). At the CENTRAD (Centro de Artesanía e Deseño). More info in this pdf. Registrations at:
24th November 2023, organising and presenting the 5th edition of the cycle “Los sonidos de otros tiempos, hoy” which is inviting this time the Ensemble Gilles Binchois in trio (Anne Delafosse, Anne Marie Lablaude and Dominique Vellard) for singing a beautiful programme: “The art of the medieval cantor“.
24th November 2023, 10h. Participating together with Manuel Vilas at the “V Jornada Complutense de Música Antigua: LA VOZ Y LOS CANTANTES”. More information in this pdf.
20th-27th July 2023, Early Music Morella, this year imparting the course Gregorian Chant. Music for the feast of Mary Magdalene.
14th-16th July 2023, Fundación Santa María la Real, Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) VIIIth edition of the course “Los sonidos del románico”, this time singing Hildegard von Bingen (XIIth c.). More info in this pdf.
8th to 1oth June 2023, in Nájera (La Rioja), with the project Dando Voces of the Ensemble Cantaderas, organized by Voces de la Lengua.
2nd June 2023, 19h. Final concert of the 2022-2023 annual courses at the Escuela de Música Medieval y de Tradición Oral.
27th-30th April 2023, an intensive course about the Cantigas de Santa María and their inspirations at the Centro de Artesania e deseño, Lugo, imparted together with Francisco Luengo (medieval viols), Manuel Vilas (medieval harp) and Bor Zuljan (medieval plucked medieval instruments). More information in:
21st-23rd October 2022. AIZ’s courses at Casavieja (Ávila), Autumn session. Title of my atelier: “The coulours of the sons. Octoechos modality and 13th c. organum purum”.
11th September, Basel, Workshop: "Klänge auf Pergament geschrieben" Stimmliche Entdeckung der frühen Musiknotationen aus dem Mittelalter. Programmed by the Textur festival.
22nd-28th July 2022, Early Music Morella, Morella (Castellón), where I’ll be imparting a course on early liturgical chant coexisting with gregorian chant.
15th-17th July 2022, Fundación Santa María la Real, Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) VIIth edition of the course “Los sonidos del románico”, this time singing the Cantigas from Castilla celebrating the VIIIth centenary of the birth of Alfonso X, El Sabio. More info in this pdf.
19th February 2022, Barcelona. A course about the monody in the Codex Calixtinus organised by the Departament de Gregorià of the Federació Catalana d'Entitats Corals (FCEC).
13th-14th November 2021, a weekend course in Casavieja (Ávila), organized by the Asociación Ibérica de la Zanfona, singing music of Hildegard von Bingen and Alfonso X “El Sabio”.
30th July-1st August 2021, Fundación Santa María la Real, Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) VIth edition of the course “Los sonidos del románico”, this time devoted to the oldest pieces that inspired some of the cantigas attributed to Alfonso X, El Sabio. More info in this pdf.
16th-22nd July 2021, Early Music Morella, Morella (Castellón), where I’ll be imparting a course on medieval song about Mary: liturgic and paraliturgic music composed in latin and vernacular lenguages between the IXth and the XIVth centuries.
October 2020-June 2021: Fifth cursus of the ESCUELA DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL Y DE TRADICIÓN ORAL in Madrid, at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (fondation Francisco Giner de los Ríos). More information in this link. Programme of all the courses in this pdf.
11th-13th September 2020: “V TALLER DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL. LOS SONIDOS DEL ROMÁNICO. La música del Codex Calixtinus (2ª parte)”, a 3 days course in Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia, Spain) organised by the Centro de Estudios del Románico (Fundación Santa María la Real).
October 2019-June 2020: Fourth cursus of the ESCUELA DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL Y DE TRADICIÓN ORAL in Madrid, at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (fondation Francisco Giner de los Ríos). More information in this link. Programme of all the courses in this pdf.
The specialisation course on “Monody and Modality” of the Escuela de Música Medieval y de Tradición Oral was devoted the past two years to the musical drama: “Ordo Virtutum” of Hildegard von Bingen (XIIth c.). We learnt its music and prepared it to be performed on June 2020. Since the sanitary crisis forbade its performance, we recorded it, with masks. Here it is the result:
17th-23th July 2020: “Canto Gregoriano. De los neumas a la voz” at the summer Early Music Morella course (Castellón, Spain).
20th July 2020, Conference at the Early Music Morella Festival about mozarabic chant.
Photos: Rafa Sulbarán
8th-10th November 2019, Calixtinus Codex music at the Casavieja’s autumn course, organized by the Asociación Ibérica de la Zanfona in Casavieja (Ávila).
1st-3rd November 2019, XIIIth c. polyphonic singing course at the MOMUA festival, in Molina de Segura (Murcia, Spain).
July 19th-25th 2019: “Canto Gregoriano. La monodía en los siglos XIII-XIV y el fabordón como ornamentación del canto llano en el s. XV” at the summer Early Music Morella course (Castellón, Spain).
July 12th-14th 2019: “IV TALLER DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL. LOS SONIDOS DEL ROMÁNICO. La música del Codex Calixtinus”, a 3 days course in Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia, Spain) organised by the Centro de Estudios del Románico (Fundación Santa María la Real). More information in this .pdf.
October 2018-June 2019: Third cursus of the ESCUELA DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL Y DE TRADICIÓN ORAL in Madrid, at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (fondation Francisco Giner de los Ríos). More information: .pdf.
April 8th 2019: Formation “Chants du sacré” for French teachers of classes 6-18 years-old children at the Philharmonie of Paris.
April 6th-7th 2019: "Octoechos-Modalité médiévale et improvisation", a weekend-long course at the Centre de Musique Médiévale de Paris (France).
March 2nd-3rd 2019: “Cómo sonaban los primeros manuscritos musicales de Occidente”. A weekend course organized by the Centro de Estudios Comarcales de Bajo-Aragón-Caspe, VIIIth edition of the “Taller de Canto Coral, ciudad de Caspe”.
November 16th 2018: Participating at the cycle “Los sonidos de otros tiempos, hoy” organised by the Escuela de Música Medieval y de Tradición Oral and the Institución Libre de Enseñanza.
13th-15th July 2018: "III TALLER DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL. LOS SONIDOS DEL ROMÁNICO: Cantando los Carmina Burana medievales", at the Centro de Estudios del Románico (Fundación Santa María la Real) in Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia, Spain). A three days-long course for singers and amateurs of medieval music, focused on the Carmina Burana.
4th-6th July 2018: Academia de Música Antigua, Fundación Joaquín Díaz, Urueña (Valladolid, Spain). Participating at this summer academy together with the ensemble Cantaderas.
3rd-4th March 2018: one weekend singing course at the "Escuela de Música Medieval y de Tradición Oral" of Madrid: "TRADICIÓN ORAL y TRADICIÓN MANUSCRITA. Cantar un motete de Guillaume de Machaut (s. XIV)".
September-December 2017: Second cursus of the ESCUELA DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL Y DE TRADICIÓN ORAL in Madrid, at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (fondation Francisco Giner de los Ríos). More info: here in this pdf.
3rd-5th November 2017: one weekend singing course at Casavieja (Ávila).
Organiser: Asociación Ibérica de la Zanfona (Jesús Reolid).
Subject: Singing a XVth c. anonymous motet from the manuscript and practicing oral tradition.
17th-19th July 2017: II TALLER DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL. LOS SONIDOS DEL ROMÁNICO: Beato de Liébana y las músicas del Apocalipsis (siglos X-XIII), Fundación Santa María la Real, Aguilar de Campoo.
22nd June-1st July 2017: "Las melodías mudas del canto mozárabe", a 6 dates workshop museum of the Biblioteca Nacional de España, both in Madrid and in Alcalá de Henares, related to its exhibition: “Fragmentos medievales: vestigios del canto hispánico".
17th-18th June 2017: “La mujer y el folklore”, Fundación Joaquín Díaz, Urueña (Valladolid).
26th May 2017: Final concert of the Escuela de Música Medieval y de Tradición Oral de Madrid.
January-May 2017: First cursus of the new ESCUELA DE MÚSICA MEDIEVAL Y DE TRADICIÓN ORAL in Madrid, at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza. More info here.
2nd-3rd April 2017: "Machaut: chanter sur les sources", a two days course at the Centre de Musique Médiévale de Paris.
2nd Mars 2017: "La vie de St Louis en chanson" at Royaumont Abbey "La vie de St Louis en chansons" at the Fondation Royaumont (Île de France).
20th February-6th April 2017: "Cantar y declamar la obra del rey Sabio (y poeta)", an eight dates workshop at the museum of the Biblioteca Nacional de España, both in Madrid and in Alcalá de Henares, related to its exhibition: "El hallazgo del pasado. Alfonso El Sabio y la Estoria de España".
8th October 2016-18th January 2017: "El sonido de los siete sellos", a ten dates workshop at the museum of the Biblioteca Nacional de España, related to its exhibition: "Beato. El misterio de los siete sellos".
May 2016 - January 2017. O felix Zamora. La improvisación polifónica en la Edad Media, at the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid. A pedagogical project heading towards a concert with in-vivo improvisated polyphonies adorning the monody of an unicum manuscript conserved at the library of this Spanish foundation. Presentation concert of this project took place on January the 22nd, both at the Lázaro Galdiano Museum's auditory, and at the Sacristía Mayor of Toledo's Cathedral.
22-25 October 2016: 5th edition of the course "Le chant des monodies médiévales en langues vernaculaires romanes", at the fortified manor house of Volhac (XIVth c.), near Le-Puy-en-Velay, France.
9th-11th September 2016: Hildegard von Bingen's music course at a new and promising Music school in Cádiz: BRAVISSIMO.
24th-28th July 2016: Plain chant and its ornamentation in the Ars Antiqua at the Early Music course of Morella.
18th-20th July 2016: `LOS SONIDOS DEL ROMÁNICO´. Cantar y escribir las monodias sacras y profanas en lengua latina (siglos X-XII). An introduction workshop to the first music written in Latin at the foundation: Santa María la Real, Aguilar de Campoo. News.
November 2015-June 2016. Chanter sur manuscrit les musiques du 13e siècle. A course at the Centre de Musique Médiévale de Paris.
15th-17th April 2016. "Guillaume de Machaut (II)". One weekend course for singers interested in medieval polyphony, organised by AIZ (Asociación Ibérica de la Zanfona) in Casavieja (Ávila). More info: here.
December 2015-May 2016. Pedagogic projet: Fondation Royaumont-Collège de Mauriac (Île de France). Le scribe, le cantor et le jongleur au Moyen Âge.
October 2015-February 2016. Second edition of the 4 sessions long course "Cantus super librum. El sonido de los manuscritos medievales" about polyphonic improvisation in the Middle Ages, organised by the Museo Lázaro Galdiano (Madrid).
20th-22nd November 2015. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain): "Guillaume de Machaut". Organised by AIZ (Asociación Ibérica de la Zanfona). More info: here.
19th-23rd July 2015. Gregorian chant at the 4th edition of the: Curso Internacional de Música Medieval y Renacentista de Morella (Spain).
7th-11th July 2015. Third edition of the singing course: « Le chant des premières monodies en langue vernaculaire », imparted at the Château de Volhac (Le Puy-en-Velay, France), together with Anne Delafosse.
April-May 2015. Pedagogical project of the ensemble Dialogos at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Saint-Maur (Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France).
24th-26th April 2015. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain): "En la bisagra entre los siglos XIII y XIV. La primera música escrita en notación mensural". Organised by AIZ (Asociación Ibérica de la Zanfona). +info
18th April 2015. Monodia e improvisación polifónica (fabordón) en los siglos XIV y XV. Fourth meeting of the 4 sessions long course "Cantus super librum. El sonido de los manuscritos medievales" about polyphonic improvisation in the Middle Ages, organised by the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano (Madrid).
January-March 2015. Workshop on Hildegard von Bingen's music at the Conservatoire de Musique et de Danse de Montbard (Borgondy), together with Catherine Schroeder.
28th February 2015. Monodia e improvisación polifónica (organum de la escuela de Nôtre-Dame) en el siglo XIII. Third meeting of the 4 sessions long course "Cantus super librum. El sonido de los manuscritos medievales" about polyphonic improvisation in the Middle Ages, organised by the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano (Madrid).
January-February 2015. "La légende de Mélusine", a pedagogical project of the ensemble Oiet at the secondary school Françoise Dolto, Lamorlaye, France.
24th January 2015. Monodia, primeras polifonías notadas e improvisación polifónica (organum y discantus). Siglos IX-XII. 2nd course of the cycle "Cantus super librum. El sonido de los manuscritos medievales" about polyphonic improvisation in the Middle Ages, organised by the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano of Madrid.
27th November 2014. "Les premières polyphonies médiévales". One day course together with Anne Delafosse at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon.
22nd November 2014. Monodia. Notación neumática y modalidad. Siglos IX-XII. 1st course of the cycle "Cantus super librum. El sonido de los manuscritos medievales" about polyphonic improvisation in the Middle Ages, organised by the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano of Madrid.
4th-6th November 2014. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. "Cantando el Octoechos", a three days workshop at the 1st edition of the "Semana de la Música".
31st October-2nd November 2014. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain): "La Escuela de Notre-Dame. Música sacra y profana en el siglo XIII". Organised by AIZ (Asociación Ibérica de la Zanfona).
12th and 22nd October 2014. « La vie de St Louis en musique ». A conference-concert at the Royaumont Abbey (Île de France).
7-11th July 2014. « Le chant des premières monodies en langue vernaculaire », a singing cours imparted at Le Puy-en-Velay (France), together with Anne Delafosse.
24th June 2014. « Être enfant au Moyen Âge » at the Fondation Royaumont (Île de France).
23rd May 2014. "La vie de St Louis en chansons" at the Fondation Royaumont (Île de France).
28-30th March 2014. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain): "Trovadores y primeras polifonías escritas". Organised by AIZ (Asociación Ibérica de la Zanfona).
February-March 2014. Pedagogical project in collaboration with the French calligraphist Cécile Auguin, with a class of the school St-Exupéry (St Brice sous Forêt) at the Fondation Royaumont (Île de France): « musique et calligraphie au temps de Saint Louis ».
1st-2nd March 2014. One weekend course at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid: "Les deux Guillaumes. Leer y cantar Machaut y Dufay".
22-23th February 2014. Gregorian chant course from the neumatic sources organised by the choir "Caballeros gregorianos". Soria (Spain).
23rd December 2013. Musical activities with 7 to 11 years old children. "La música de los caminos medievales", at the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid.
22nd December 2013. Musical activities for families "La tradición oral en la Edad Media: música y leyenda", at the Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid.
25-27th October 2013. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain). “El arte de la monodía, interpretación de la primera música escrita en la Edad Media”. Medieval Singing class inside the CURSOS AIZ CASAVIEJA. Otoño 2013.
15-18th July 2013. « Le chant des premières monodies en langue vernaculaire », given at the Puy-en-Velay (France), in collaboration with the singer Anne Delafosse.
8-14th July 2013. One week course at Cabia, in the Italian Alps, working medieval repertoires (IXth-XIVth centuries) by oral transmission and manuscript reading with the children of the “Pueri Cantores della Cappella del Duomo di Udine”, a great choir directed by Anna Giulia Serena and Francesca Marinelli.
17-19th May 2013. Master-class « Hildegard von Bingen. Du manuscrit au chant », in Cluny, Burgundy (France), organized by: Art Sacré Cluny- Pentecôte 2013- naissance d’un Festival.
15-17th Mars 2013. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain). “Descubriendo la música de la Edad Media. Lectura e interpretación del repertorio surgido en Europa entre los siglos IX y XV, a través de sus manuscritos” IVº curso: El ars subtilior y las polifonías de la primera mitad del siglo XV. Medieval Singing class inside the CURSOS AIZ CASAVIEJA. Primavera 2013.
January-February 2013. Work with the choral classes of the Conservatoire de Vitry-sur-Seine, Île de France.
22-25th January 2013. Working at the Fondation Royaumont (Île de France) with the students of the École Théry of Gonesse, in collaboration with the ensemble Dialogos. “The legend of St Barlaam. The linguistic, musical and cultural diversity in the Middle Ages”.
19-21th October 2012. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain). “Descubriendo la música de la Edad Media. Lectura e interpretación del repertorio surgido en Europa entre los siglos IX y XV, a través de sus manuscritos” IIIer curso: Música francesa del S. XIV. Medieval Singing class inside the CURSOS AIZ CASAVIEJA. Otoño 2012.
20-22th April 2012. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain). “Descubriendo la música de la Edad Media. Lectura e interpretación del repertorio surgido en Europa entre los siglos IX y XV, a través de sus manuscritos” IIº curso: La notación modal. s. XII-XIII. La notación mensural. s. XIII-XIV. Medieval Singing class inside the CURSOS AIZ CASAVIEJA. Primavera 2012.
18-20th November 2011. One weekend course at Casavieja, Ávila (Spain). “Descubriendo la música de la Edad Media. Lectura e interpretación del repertorio surgido en Europa entre los siglos IX y XV, a través de sus manuscritos” Iº curso: Notación neumática y modalidad medieval. s. IX-XII. Medieval Singing class inside the CURSOS AIZ CASAVIEJA. Otoño 2011.